The Best Of...

I've had countless "OMG *heart eye emoji*" moments over here in lovely Europa. The first time I walked around the center of Seville I smiled so big that my eyes teared up a little bit. I had never seen anything so perfect. It looked like a scene from a fairytale and I got to play the princess for a whole year. Ahhhh what a dream!

Here are some of my most favorite moments, in pictures, from my European adventure...

Most Breathtaking View: Top of the Arc de Triomphe | PARIS

Fun Fact: I saw this view during three different seasons in the same year. Never felt luckier.

Prettiest Palace Gardens: La Alhambra | GRANADA

Most Gorgeous Beach Town: LAGOS, Portugal

Most Amazing Structure: El Puente Romano | RONDA

Most Unique Cultural Experience: Semana Santa | SEVILLA

Favorite (double) Selfie: Dad Caught in Action | GRANADA


Coolest City: AMSTERDAM, Netherlands

Prettiest Palace Decor: CHÂTEAU DE VERSAILLES

Most Gorgeous Flowers: Los Patios de Córdoba | CÓRDOBA

Fave Outfit / Best Week of Life: La Feria de Abril | SEVILLA

Fun Fact: This dress is too heavy to hold with one hand and somewhere underneath all those ruffles is a little pocket that stores all my stuff

Fun Fact: This dress is too heavy to hold with one hand and somewhere underneath all those ruffles is a little pocket that stores all my stuff

Best Picnic in the World: This One ft. Dilday Twins | SEVILLA

Best Xmas Lights: Avenida Constitución | SEVILLA

Best Museum Exhibit: Jeff Koons, Centre Pompidou | PARIS

Fun Fact: From the windows of this museum (which span the entire perimeter) you can see all of Paris' famous landmarks: Sacre Couer (pictured in this photo behind the man taking a pic), Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc... Ahmazing.

Fun Fact: From the windows of this museum (which span the entire perimeter) you can see all of Paris' famous landmarks: Sacre Couer (pictured in this photo behind the man taking a pic), Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, etc... Ahmazing.

Most Intricate Andalusian Tiling: Real Alcázar | SEVILLA

Fun Fact 1: The glowing lights you can see under the middle arch are coming from a chandelier in the King and Queen's quarters. So, when the Spanish royal family takes a trip to Sevilla, they sleep under that chandelier, in this palace... …

Fun Fact 1: The glowing lights you can see under the middle arch are coming from a chandelier in the King and Queen's quarters. So, when the Spanish royal family takes a trip to Sevilla, they sleep under that chandelier, in this palace... #goals

Fun Fact 2: This is the palace of Dorne from season five of Game of Thrones. So cool to see it in use on screen! 

Most Jaw-Dropping OMG WOW AHHH Moment: Eiffel Tower in Sparkles | PARIS

If these twinkling lights don't make your heart burst happy and your eyes light up, you're doing it all wrong!!! 

If these twinkling lights don't make your heart burst happy and your eyes light up, you're doing it all wrong!!! 

A billion other moments, places, people and things should be on this list! I can't believe my sweet time in Spain has come to a close. Until we meet again... Hasta luego, Sevilla! Te quiero!